Lab for Software Engineering

A glance into the laboratory
A glance into the laboratory

Laboratory: Room 1.1.62


The Lab for Software Engineering allows students to develop and implement complex software. In focus are the application of UNIX as underlying operating system and the use of open source developer tools. Script languages for the command-line interface, as well as C, C++, and Java are used as programming languages.

GELab practical test “Basics of the UNIX command-line interface”

The practical course teaches fundamentals on the efficient use of UNIX OS without a graphical user interface:

  • Opening and customising the command-line interface
  • Using the manual pages
  • File system navigation
  • How to work with files and directories

Final theses

The Lab for Software Engineering is also available for writing final theses on current research topics. If you are interested, please contact the lab manager.

Focus topics of research and development

  • Practising object-oriented and aspect-oriented programming
  • OS-related programming and scripting
  • Automation of the development process


  • 4 Apple iMacs with 3.0 GHz Intel i5 processors, 8 GB DDR4 RAM, 512 GB SSD, Retina 5K 27'' display and AMD Radeon Pro 570X graphics card
  • various Open Source developer tools


Name E-Mail Details
Prof. Dr. Markus Mathes
Contact Information

Prof. Dr. Markus Mathes

Technical University of Applied Sciences

Room 1.1.21
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940-8513
E-Mail markus.mathes[at]

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Thomas Mützel
Contact Information

Thomas Mützel

Technical University of Applied Sciences

Room 1.1.05
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940-8428
E-Mail thomas.muetzel[at]

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