Labor für Regelungstechnik
Prof. Dr. Abid Ali
Fakultät Elektrotechnik
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
97421 Schweinfurt
Mo. 11.30Uhr bis 12.30Uhr
(nach Terminvereinbarung)
Studiengangleiter Mechatronics
Beauftragter für internationale Partnerschaften
Mitglied der Prüfungskommissionen BET und IMC
Mitglied der Auswahlkommission MET

- Regelungstechnik,
- Systemtechnik,
- Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
- Schiefhauer, H., Müller B., Taege, S., Ali, A. “Bivariate Polynomial Approximation of Flux Linkages Based on Measured Differential Inductances for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors”, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Kristiansand, Norway, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/ICIEA61579.2024.10664703
- Taege, S., Schiefhauer, H., Ali, A., Müller B., Janek, G. “Simple Fault-Tolerant Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Faulty Position Sensor”, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Kristiansand, Norway, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/ICIEA61579.2024.10664696
- P. Heil and A. Ali, "Analysis, Diagnosis and Reconfiguration of a Synchronous Motor Control with Faulty DC Link Voltage Measurement," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 37243-37252, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3267298
- Krämer, A., Bohn, C., Ali, A. “Analysis of Self-Oscillations in Three-Level Hysteresis Current Controlled H-Bridge”. IFAC PapersOnLine 53-2, 2020, S. 13247-13452
- Krämer, A., Bohn, C., Ali, A. “Symmetrische und Asymmetrische Dauerschwingungen in direkten Stromregelkreisen mit Totzeit”. In: MEURER, Thomas; WOITTENNEK, Frank; SCHAUM, Alexander (Hrsg.): Tagungsband GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40. Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik. Kiel: Chair of Automatic Control, Kiel University, ISBN:978-3-9819634-2-7, 2019, S. 194–208
- Krämer, A., Cizmic, M., Strnad, T., Ali, A.: Investigation of the Linear Alternative of the SMO Switching Function used for Self-Sensing High-Speed PMSM, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED), Turin, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-6.
- Cizmic, M., Krämer, A., Ali, A. “Machine-Parameter-Independent Reduction of Harmonic Errors in Self-Sensing Control of PMSM”. In: 2019 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED) : IEEE, ISBN:978-1-7281-0766-0, 2019, S. 1–5.
- Cizmic, M., Krämer, A., Ali, A. “Improved Identification of High Frequency Parameters for Self-Sensing Control of PMSM Using Test Current Signal Injection”. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED). Helsinki, September 2018, pp. 18-23.
- Krämer, A., Heusinger, V., Schad, S., Ali, A. “Sensorless vector control of PMSM with observer-based phase current reconstruction using only a DC-link current sensor”. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED). Catania, September 2017, pp. 145-150.
- Müller, M., Ali, A., Tareilus, A. “Modelling and Simulation of a Paraglider Flight”. Proceedings of the 9th Eurosim Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM 2016). Oulu, September 2016, pp. 299-304.
- Kwiatkowski, A., Werner H., Blath J.P., Ali A., Schultalbers M. “Linear parameter varying PID controller design for charge control of a spark-ignited engine”, Control Engineering Practice (2009), 17 (11), pp. 1307-1317.
- Ali, A., C. Schmid. "Local Model Based Nonlinear State Feedback Control with Industrial Applications". Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2008). Lahore, March 2008. Paper: CE08.
- Ali, A., O. Magnor., M.Schultalbers. "Misfire Detection Using a Neural Network Based Pattern Recognition Technique". Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2007). Lahore, April 2007.
- Ali, A., J. P. Blath. "Application of Modern Techniques to SI-Engine Torque Control." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications. Munich, October 2006, pp: 2405-10.
- Ali, A., J. P. Blath. "Nonlinear Torque Control of a Spark-Ignited Engine." Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Minneapolis, June 2006, pp: 3266-71.
- Ali, A. and C. Schmid. "System Identification Using Neural Networks." Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, [].
- Halldorsson, U., A. Ali, H. Unbehauen and C. Schmid. "Adaptive Predictive Control of a Neutralization Plant using Local Model Networks." Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress. Barcelona, Spain, July 2002, Paper 576.
- Pegel, S., T. Löhl, K.-U. Klatt, S. Engell, C. Schmid and A. Ali. "DynaMit - Eine Virtuelle Lernumgebung." Automatisierungstechnik (at) 49 (2001): 353-60.
- Ali, A., T. F. Junge and H. Unbehauen. "Adaptive Feedforward Cancellation for Nonlinear Systems Using RLLM Networks." Proceedings of the European Control Conference. Porto, Portugal, September 2001, pp.3893-8.
- Pegel, S., T. Löhl, S. Engell, A. Ali and C. Schmid. "DynaMit - Computergestützte Umgebung zum Erlernen von Eigenschaften dynamischer Systeme", Proceedings of the VDI/VDE-GMA Conference ‘Automatisierungstechnik im Spannungsfeld neuer Technologien’, Baden-Baden, Germany, May 2001, pp. 477-84.
- Ali, A., M. Ashfaq and C. Schmid. "Model Reference Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems Using RLLM Networks." Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Chicago, June 2000, pp. 1659-63.
- Schmid, C. and A. Ali. "A Web-based System for Control Engineering Education." Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Chicago, June 2000, pp. 3463-7.
- [ECC99] Löhl, T., S. Pegel, K.-U. Klatt, S.Engell, C. Schmid and A. Ali. "DynaMit - Learning System Dynamics using Multimedia." Proceedings of the European Control Conference. Karlsruhe, Germany, August-September 1999, Paper F147.
- Löhl, T., S. Pegel, K.-U. Klatt, S. Engell, C. Schmid and A. Ali. "DynaMit - Internet-based education using CACSD." Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design. Kohala Coast-Island of Hawai'i, Hawai'i, August 1999, pp. 273-8.
- Pegel, S., T. Löhl, K.-U. Klatt, S. Engell, C. Schmid and A. Ali. "DynaMit - An Internet-based Dynamic System Learning Software." Proceedings of the 19th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education. Vienna, Austria, June 1999, Session u2c2, Paper p00611.
Akademischer Lebenslauf
Seit 2007: Professor für Regelungstechnik an der THWS
2003 - 2007: Entwicklungsingenieur und Fachreferent bei der IAV GmbH
1998 - 2003: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1994 - 1998: Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1991 - 1993: Junior Engineer bei Siemens Pakistan Ltd.
1984 - 1991: Studium der Elektrotechnik an der University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistan)
Weitere Informationen
Labor für RegelungstechnikTTZ-EMO
Wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Regelungstechnik