Lab for Communications Engineering and Lab for Signal Processing

A student operating the standard oscilloscope
Students conducting the network analyser experiment during the practical part of Communications Engineering.

Laboratory: Rooms 1.E.32 and 1.E.33


Practical course in metrology (BET)

The following experiments are part of the practical part of Metrology:

  • Measurements taken at a satellite reception system
  • MPEG-2
  • Data transmission via low-pass channels
  • Sampling and digital signal processing
  • Measuring of s-parameters

Practical course in signal transmission (BET)

The following experiments are part of the practical part in Transmission:

  • Amplitude modulation process
  • Frequency modulation process
  • Analogue filtering
  • Microwave and waveguide technology
  • Attenuation and phase measurement at quadripoles

Practical course in automation (BMC)

As part of the practical course in automation, the experiment "Sampling and digital signal processing" from the practical course in measurement technology BET is also offered for the BMC course.

Lecture on voice control (BET/MET)

The lecture in voice control also includes practical programming tasks in Python, which are carried out in the lab.

Final theses

In the laboratory, internal final theses to be written about current research topics are offered regularly. Please ask your lab manager for more information.


In the Lab for Communication and Signal Processing, innovative solutions in the field of voice control are being developed.

Voice control and AI

Voice control solutions are being developed and compared to each other in the lab. Here, the focus lies on algorithms and Artificial Intelligence which can recognise speech commands in real time and without internet connection.

Voice control and robotics

Currently, the lab is concerned with researching solutions to control mobile robots with the human voice. For testing purposes, a LEGO Mindstorms robot is available. The suitability of voice control solutions for everyday use is evaluated in terms of robustness against background noise and the latency of the overall system.

Voice control at the test stand

For comparing various voice control soft- and hardware to one another, a test stand for voice control soft- and hardware is operated and developed further continuously. The main goals of the test stand are

  • to objectively compare various hard- and software solutions for voice-control applications
  • reproducibility of measured results
  • testing the susceptibility to various background noises and
  • measuring of the test subject including the acoustic transmission path


Among other equipment, the lab offers

  • a soldering station to be operated by students
  • heat cabinet and cold chamber
  • a measuring chamber for high frequencies and acoustics
  • various signal generators and network analysis devices up to the MHz range
  • recording and playback devices for video and audio
  • work centres for Master’s students, equipped with the latest technology
  • as well as standard devices like oscilloscopes, power supply units, generators, Raspberry Pi, and more
The single-board computer Raspberry Pi has become an integral part of research and teaching.
Measuring eye diagrams for phase and frequency analysis
The lab’s soldering station


Name E-Mail Details
Prof. Dr. Martin Spiertz
Contact Information

Prof. Dr. Martin Spiertz

Technical University of Applied Sciences

Room 1.1.22
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940-8770
E-Mail martin.spiertz[at]

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