Biomedical Engineering and Medical Information Processing

Online presence of the Lab for Automation Technology and Biomedicine and of the Lab for Medical Engineering

Laboratory: Rooms 1.U.27 and 1.U.28


Medical Engineering develops and manufactures products, devices, methods for analysis and the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of diseases. In an interdisciplinary way, it forms a connection between various fields of engineering and life sciences. Medical engineering is strongly supported by state-of-the-art electronic and IT systems. In addition, one of the hallmarks of medical engineering is that devices must be designed with traceability, and general & patient safety mechanisms in mind. Through the application of the latest digital and sensor technologies in the medical field, a high potential for innovation in the future unfolds. The module Medical Engineering at FHWS primarily focuses on electrical engineering and information technology and the application aspects of medical engineering. As it is closely related to information technology, there are also synergies with communications engineering and automation.

Imaging systems I and a Practical Course in Digital Image Processing

Module contents
  • Configuration and functionality of non-tomographic imaging systems in the optical spectral range, the x-ray and gamma spectrum,
  • Characterisation of image quality in the spatial and frequency domain (resolution, contrast, point spread function, optical transfer function, modulation transfer function),
  • Mathematical analysis of imaging systems for medical applications,
  • standards in imaging technology, especially in medical imaging (DICOM),
  • quantitative global characterisation of image matrices,
  • global image transformations (convolution, correlation, FFT, ...),
  • two-dimensional, optical filtering, segmenting,
  • morphological operations,
  • development and implementation of programmes for digital image processing via Matlab.
Learning outcomes

Students are familiar with the configuration and functionality of non-tomographic imaging systems. They understand the relationships between fundamental physical processes and image formation.
Participants analyse imaging systems, calculate their characteristic properties, and understand the effects of basic methods in digital image processing. They analyse digital images and improve image quality via methods of digital image processing.

Imaging Systems II and a Practical Course in Imaging Systems

Module contents
  • Hardware configuration and functionality of tomographic imaging systems,
  • mathematical foundations of tomography (RadonTransformation, inverse problem
  • Computed Tomography (CT),
  • tomographic imaging in the gamma range (SPECT),
  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET),
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),
  • Image reconstruction (algebraic reconstruction technology, filtered back-projection, Fourier methods),
  • Simulation of image formation via MATLAB
Learning outcomes

Students are familiar with the configuration and functionality of tomographic imaging systems. They understand the concepts of image reconstruction from detected measured values. They analyse and quantify the differences between various tomography methods. They are able to relate the different techniques of tomographic procedures to physiological and pathological requirements in medicine.
The participants numerically simulate the functioning of tomographic reconstruction procedures and imaging measurement techniques and evaluate the calculated results. For this purpose, they develop and implement the necessary programme codes in Matlab, a modern mathematical simulation and visualisation environment.

Biomedical Metrology I and a Practical Course in Biomedical Measurement Technology

Module contents
  • Overview about selected human-physiological control systems,
  • sensor systems for Biomedical Metrology I,
  • acquisition and analysis of non-electric biosignals,
  • Analogue and Digital Analysis of Signals I
  • temperature measuring technology
  • measurement of haemodynamic parameters,
  • pulmological functional diagnostics,
  • optical metrology,
  • measuring of breathing gas,
  • metabolic monitoring,
  • ultrasound measuring,
  • audiometry,
  • practical lab work with biomedical measuring systems.
Learning outcomes

The students know about important biomedical measuring methods, sensors, and measuring systems for data collection, signal processing, and interpretation of non-electric, physiological system parameters. They understand the relationships between physiological function and the measuring technique.
The students will compare various biomedical measuring systems and methods. They will also be able to quantitatively evaluate measuring methods and perform the necessary calculations.
Through practical lab work, the students will learn the configuration and handling of biomedical measuring systems, and they will carry out quantitative evaluations of measured data.

Biomedical Metrology II and a Practical Course in Biomedical Measurement Technology II

Module contents
  • Overview about selected human-physiological control systems,
  • acquisition and analysis of electric biosignals,
  • Analogue and Digital Analysis of Signals II,
  • Electric safety in biomedical metrology,
  • designing electronic and optoelectronic circuits in biomedical metrology,
  • electrocardiography,
  • myography, electroencephalography, and evoked potentials,
  • pulse oximetry,
  • infrared spectroscopy,
  • temperature measuring technology
  • practical lab work with biomedical measuring systems.
Learning outcomes

The students know and characterise important biomedical measuring methods, sensors, and measuring systems for data collection, signal processing, and interpretation of physiological system parameters with bioelectric origin. They understand the relationships between physiological function and the measuring technique and/or electronics.

The participants know relevant electric safety standards for the construction of biomedical measuring systems. They analyse and design electronic and optoelectronic circuits for capturing biosignals and signal processing.

Through practical lab work, the students will learn the handling of biomedical measuring systems, and they will carry out quantitative evaluations based on the received measured data.

Medical Information Systems and Practical Course in Medical Information Systems

Module contents
  • Overview about tasks and goals of health care systems
  • Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) Germany
  • Representation and organisation of data
  • SQL database systems
  • Medical terminology and classification systems (ICD-10, OPS, SNOMED-CT, LOINC)
  • Configuration and functionality of computer networks
  • Communication standards DICOM, HL7, xDT
  • Structure and reference models for hospital information systems (HIS)
  • FHIR – Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
  • Electronic patient record (German: ePA)
  • Cyber security for medical products
Learning outcomes

The students ...

  • ... will gain insights into the organisation of health care systems, the underlying remuneration systems, and future challenges.
  • ... comprehend the meaning of medical informatics for the health sector
  • ... will get to know different data types, their formats, and relational databases.
  • ... understand the necessity and various types of medical documentation.
  • ... learn how to apply communication standards in the health care sector.
  • ... acquire the ability to classify medical documentation within the framework of clinical information systems.
  • ... gain insights into future trends and communication standards for digital health.

Physiology I and Analytical Techniques I with Practical Course

Module contents
  • Blueprints of biological cells,
  • components of biological cell membranes
  • transcription and translation,
  • enzyme kinetics,
  • transport processes,
  • metabolism of cells and organisms,
  • potential formation,
  • Analytics in the Clinical Environment I,
  • reliability of clinical tests (diagnostic sensitivity, diagnostic specificity),
  • reaction kinetics,
  • building and referencing reference electrodes,
  • conductivity measuring,
  • pH measuring,
  • osmometry,
  • Spectroscopic Methods I,
  • Lab Experiments in Analytical Technology.
Learning outcomes

The students will gain a fundamental understanding of the basics of biochemistry and cell physiology. They will learn about the structure and elemental function of biological cells.
Simultaneously, they will gain knowledge about methods and devices for clinical analysis.
The participants understand and analyse the relationships between physiological cell functions and analytical measurement techniques. They apply various methods of analysis during practical lab work within the scope of experiments.

Physiology II and Analytical Techniques II with Practical Course

Module contents
  • Potential formation near membranes,
  • neural and muscular physiology
  • cardiovascular system,
  • respiratory system
  • detoxification (kidney, liver),
  • general metabolism,
  • Analytics in the Clinical Environment II,
  • Spectroscopic Methods II,
  • chromatography
  • electrophoresis,
  • dielectrophoresis,
  • electrochemical analysis,
  • Conducting lab experiments regarding analytical technology.
Learning outcomes

The students will acquire competences in the field of human physiology. Based on cell-physiological foundations, they will discuss physiological functions in the human body.
Simultaneously, participants will gain knowledge about methods and devices for clinical analysis.
The students will understand and analyse the properties and interaction between physiological organ systems of the human body. The know the organ characteristics and derive suitable methods for analysis and diagnostics.
During practical lab work, they test and check the relationships they have internalised via experiments, observe the measuring processes and evaluate the data received.

Medical therapy systems

Module contents

  • The interaction of electromagnetic radiation, particle radiation, and elastic waves with biological tissue in various spectral ranges,
  • fundamentals of radiation therapy,
  • design and functionality of therapeutic x-ray systems,
  • configuration and functionality of medical accelerator facilities (cyclotron, synchrotron, travelling-wave and standing-wave accelerators, ...),
  • fundamentals of radiation protection,
  • technology and application of electron therapy,
  • fundamentals of radioactive decay,
  • principles of therapy forms using radioactive substances,
  • radiation therapy with heavy and charged particles,
  • medical therapy in the ultraviolet spectral range,
  • therapeutic methods in the visible spectral range,
  • electrotherapy,
  • lithotripsy.
Learning outcomes

Students know the configuration, function and fields of application of modern ionising and non-ionising medical therapy systems. They understand the interaction of electromagnetic radiation of different spectral ranges, of particle radiation, and of elastic waves with biological tissue.
Programme participants analyse and quantitatively describe the function of x-ray therapy systems, particle accelerators, and therapeutic systems based on nuclear radiation. They design therapeutic systems in the ultraviolet and optical spectral range for various medical applications.
The students evaluate technical processes for the construction of electrotherapeutic systems. The considerations are complemented by the analysis of elastic wave therapy methods.

Practical courses

The practical courses in medical engineering focus on the various topics of medical engineering and convey a basic understanding for biosignal measuring techniques, lab work, analytics, the handling of medical products and digital signal processi

Bio-sensor technology (ECG - measuring, dipole fields)

  • An understanding for building electronic front-ends for capturing biosignals
  • Learning how to conduct practical lab work and operating biomedical measuring systems
  • Quantitative evaluations of the received measured data

Medical systems (dialysis, ECG measuring, EEG measuring, ultrasound examination, ergospirometry, bodyplethysmographie)

  • Handling and learning about finished products in the field of medical engineering
  • Gaining an understanding for the design and functionality of a medical technology product and the applied measuring technique
  • Collection and processing of medical data

Digital image and signal processing

  • Application of and programming in Matlab
  • How to handle, import and represent data
  • Learning fundamental methods of image processing and visualisation

Biochemistry (cell fusion, cell rotation, optical determination of glucose)

Learning and getting to know the basics of biochemistry, its processes and evaluation methods. Work will be carried out on the following topics:

  • Cell preparation
  • Pipetting
  • Creating solutions/buffers
  • Electrical measuring and excitation methods (conductivity, cells in the electric field, electrophoresis)
  • Handling of lab equipment (photometers, centrifuges, microscopes)
  • Analytical evaluation methods in biochemistry


Focus topics of research and development

Development and research of new systems in close cooperation with predominantly local medical companies regarding the following focus topics:

  • High-resolution biosignal measuring technology
  • Software engineering, i. e. human-machine interfaces in the medical sector
  • Hardware for microcontroller-operated sensor front-ends and embedded systems
  • Gas sensor systems for medical applications for detecting standard gases like CO, CO2, CH4, as well as highly sensitive systems for trace gases in respiratory gas.
  • Signal processing of different biomedical and biomechanical measuring data
  • Optical methods for measurement, diagnosis, and therapy
  • Analytical systems for biological tissue, as well as dialysers

Generally, research projects are conducted in cooperation with the Institute of Medical Engineering Schweinfurt (IMES). A detailed representation of the research focus topics, and of current and past projects is found on the IMES website.


Equipment and competencies

The lab equipment reflects the interdisciplinary character of medical engineering and spans from the Biochemistry Lab to medical devices to the Electric Development Lab. The focus of practical courses during the studies lies in learning universal, basic abilities in the fields of electronics and information technology, which are acquired through applications in medical engineering in scenarios very close to the real worl

Electric Development

  • The equipment comprises of the latest signal generator, signal analysis, and metrological devices (lock-in amplifiers / impedance spectrometer by Zurich Instruments, audio analyser / spectrum analyser by Rode und Schwarz, oscilloscopes / signal generators by Agilent, Tektronix, Teledyne, Active Technologies)
  • Ersa SMD soldering workstation
  • Programming environments for microcontrollers (Atmel, Cypress, ST, Texas Instruments)
  • ... as well as a generous amount of standard equipment for practical courses and project workstations with oscilloscopes, voltage sources, multimeters, Arduinos, Raspberry Pies, etc.

Lab for Biophysics

  • Equipped with basic tools for biophysical, electro-chemical and bio-chemical analytics to improve the physiological knowledge (photometers, centrifuges, liquid chromatography, electrophoresis, thermal cycler, cell fusion chamber, microscopes, clean bench, CO2 incubator, pumping systems, pipetting systems)

Software Engineering

  • Workstations with software development environments like Microsoft Virtual Studio
  • High-performance workstations for graphical data processing (Kinect, camera systems), development of AI networks and big data analytics.

Optics Laboratory

  • Optical analysis and development of sensor systems (highly sensitive spectrometer systems, LED / laser / xenon / halogen light sources, thermal stabilisation of samples, vibration-free optical table, optical fibre systems)

Medical data networks

  • Experimental setup of a secure data network for learning techniques to protect such networks and check their security by means of attacking methods (firewall programming, hardening, encryption, certification, hacking)

Physiology Laboratory

  • Getting to know and experimenting with electronic sensor front-ends for measuring known biosignals in a medical environment (ECG, EEG, ultrasound)

Medical systems

  • Work with traditional medical products during practical courses (dialysis machine, ergospirometry, bodyplethysmography, EEG)



Name E-Mail Details
Prof. Dr. Jan Hansmann
Contact Information

Prof. Dr. Jan Hansmann

Technical University of Applied Sciences

Room 1.1.20
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940-8696
E-Mail jan.hansmann[at]

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Dr. Reiner Schnettler
Contact Information

Dr. Reiner Schnettler

Technical University of Applied Sciences



E-Mail reiner.schnettler[at]

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Prof. Dr. Norbert Strobel
Contact Information

Prof. Dr. Norbert Strobel

Technical University of Applied Sciences

Room 1.1.59
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940-8768
E-Mail norbert.strobel[at]

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