Lab for Circuit Design

Three men observe and discuss the four coloured voltage curves on a modern oscilloscope.
The voltages of an electronic modules are checked with a digital circuit analyser.

Video from the lab

In the short video, taken in the Laboratory for Circuit Design, a model train serves to test a faulty two-wire line. First, only the optimal PWM frequency for the DC motor is determined. The carriage lighting serves as minimum load for the booster (the breadboard circuit) for as long as the locomotive is not moving. A microcontroller switches the lighting in the train carriages in different time intervals. At the time 1:39, the contact is interrupted for a short moment. In such cases, no corrupted data must be transmitted.

Laboratory: Room 1.E.34


Practical course in Circuit Design (BET)

The following experiments are conducted during the practical course "Circuit Design":

  • Switching operations, passive pulse shaper and transistor circuits
  • Continuous power supply units
  • Switching power supply units
  • Modules for operational amplifiers
  • Characteristics of operational amplifiers
  • Active pulse shaper and function generator

Practical course: Digital signal processor (BET)

The following experiments are part of the practical course: Digital Signal Processor (DSP):

  • Quantisation noise and aliasing
  • Volume, balance, and stereoscopic image widening
  • Echo with ring memory
  • FIR filter

Lecture on Electric Components and Circuit Design (BET)

The lecture “Electric Components and Circuit Design” introduces the most important electronic components and teaches how amplifiers, current mirrors and transducers are implemented. A substantial part of this lecture is CMOS logic at transistor level. During the exercise classes, software for circuit simulation and PCB design are introduced in detail.

Focus topics of research and development

Data transmission via a faulty two-wire line

Currently, we are working on bidirectional data and energy transmission on a faulty two-wire line.

  • Energy and data is to be sent from a centre to several receivers.
  • Each receiver shall be able to send data back to the centre.
  • Even under enormous disturbances, it should still be possible to transmit data reliably.
  • In both the sender and the receiver, Freescale microcontrollers of the HCS12 series are used.
  • Due to special requirements, we develop all sender and receiver hardware ourselves.


Among other equipment, the lab offers

  • a soldering station to be operated by students
  • power supply units and signal generators
  • modern 4-channel storage oscilloscopes
  • DSP boards, which also feature all necessary circuitry for audio engineering, like filters, converters, and connector sockets.
  • Pre-built slide-in units and the necessary components in the form of a modular system for the tests carried out during the practical part of Circuit Design
Two students of Communication Engineering are using a measuring device. There is a large flat screen in the background. The topic is video transmission for TV applications.
In the front, there is a 19-inch plug-in rack for experimenting with circuit design. On the wooden pedestal, there are several electronic components ready to be used in the experiment. In the back to the right, there is an oscilloscope, a soldering statio


Name E-Mail Details
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schormann
Contact Information

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schormann

Technical University of Applied Sciences

Room 1.1.19
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940-8574
E-Mail gerhard.schormann[at]

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