Lab for Mechatronics I - Electric Drives
Laboratory: Room 1.E.22-28
Practical course: Electromechanical Energy Conversion II (BET)
The following experiments are part of the practical course Electromechanical Energy Conversion II:
- Testing of electrical machinery
- Operating behaviour of DC machines
- Three-phase transformer
- Synchronous machine
- Mains-powered asynchronous machine
- Sampling and digital signal processing
- Asynchronous machine at the frequency converter
- Grid behaviour of a wind power plant with guided tour
Focus topics of research and development
The test stands in our two long-term testing rooms are designed in a mostly universal way, and can be used to test newly developed drives and prototypes up to 80 kW, an RPM of 13,000, and a (peak) torque of up to 150 Nm.
In cooperation with regional companies, several projects in the areas of simulation and development of electric drives are implemented. The research activity is explained in detail on the website of the TTZ-EMO under the section “Electrical machinery”.
Among other equipment, the lab offers
- Three sets of transformers for providing two adjustable three-phase voltage grids with frequencies from 17 to 100 Hz and one direct voltage grid with up to 1000 V / 80 A.
- Programmable three-phase voltage source
- Laboratory power supply units for (DC) voltages up to 300 V and currents up to 20 A.
- 2 rooms for long-term testing (no air conditioning)
- Test stand for small drives < 300 W
- Several highly precise torque and rpm sensors (deviation < 0.1 %)
- State-of-the-art measuring devices (digital memory oscilloscopes, power measuring devices ...)
- Several workstations based on Xeon E5 (18 cores), as well as standard Intel i7 (10 cores)
- Standard devices like oscilloscopes, (small) power supply units, function generators, etc.
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